Meet Attorney Jarred Bradley

Jarred Bradley

Meet Jarred


143 Metairie Heights Avenue
Metairie, LA 70001



Jarred is licensed in both Louisiana and Texas.

Jarred Bradley graduated from the University of New Orleans with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. He then attended the Paul M. Hebert LSU Law Center and graduated with a Juris Doctor and Graduate Diploma in Civil Law in 2009. Jarred returned to UNO to receive his Masters of Business Administration in 2011.

Jarred was the Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel for All Star Electric, Inc., one of the largest electrical subcontractors in the New Orleans metro region. Jarred knows both the legal and business side of construction.

Jarred currently works with Gold Star Films producing and developing Louisiana motion pictures.

Jarred’s work and educational background allows The Bradley Law Firm to offer not only legal services, but business consulting services as well. Please inquire about your business needs.

If you are a movie production, sales, or distribution company, please contact The Bradley Law Firm about tax credits, gap financing, and equity investments.

Jarred has many interests outside of law including scuba diving, archery, photography, entrepreneurship, and cycling.

Jarred started buying bitcoin in 2019 and quickly realized that the future lay in the underlying software. Blockchains, NFTs, and law is a brand new space, but IP and Securities work was Jarred’s natural introduction into blockchain technology and the legal aspects of this new space. Web3 and meta verse gaming is the future, and Jarred is ready to help guide you and your venture into the new world. Jarred lives near New Orleans, Louisiana and enjoys gaming and NFT trading. You can also find him in discords or on twitter.