Metairie Hurricane Damage Lawyer

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Metairie, LA Hurricane Damage Attorney

Metairie and the New Orleans metro area are located in one of the biggest hurricane hotspots in the United States. Many residents of the area remember the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, which is, to date, the costliest hurricane to ever hit US shores. The effects of Hurricane Katrina included as much as $145 billion in property damage and tremendous loss of life, making it one of the biggest natural disasters in US history. The New Orleans area has yet to fully repair all the damage caused, and local property owners have learned the value of hurricane insurance in the wake of this disaster.

Helping Metairie & Louisiana Clients Overcome Hurricane Damage and Related Insurance Issues

The Gulf Coast will always be vulnerable to hurricanes, and it is vital for all Jefferson Parish property owners to not only understand the value of natural disaster insurance for their property but also how to navigate the claim filing process. Unfortunately, not all insurance companies handle claims in good faith in Metairie, and some go as far as to do everything they can to avoid paying out on claims. If your property has been damaged by a hurricane or sustains hurricane damage in the future, it is crucial to know the value of hiring an experienced Metairie hurricane damage attorney you can trust.

The Bradley Law Firm can provide the legal counsel you need in the aftermath of a hurricane. Attorney Jarred Bradley and his team have confronted the largest insurance carriers in the New Orleans metro area on behalf of clients struggling with hurricane-related losses, and we know the tactics that insurance company representatives often use to avoid liability for covered damages.

Understanding How Hurricane Damage Insurance Works

Hurricane insurance is typically added to a property insurance policy for a residential or commercial property. Whenever a property owner purchases insurance, they must select the type of coverage they want included in the policy. Additionally, there are usually specific types of each form of coverage that need to be carefully selected so the policyholder has the exact type of coverage they need. For example, an insurance carrier may offer natural disaster coverage but only cover specific types of disasters and only up to certain thresholds of damage. It is crucial to carefully read the fine print for every form of coverage you purchase.

Many people who have property damage insurance in Jefferson Parish are unprepared for how specific or even pedantic insurance claim adjusters can be when handling a claim. For example, if a hurricane makes landfall in the New Orleans metro area and a property owner must file a claim, they could expect their insurance company to fulfill their claim only for it to be denied on what appears to be very shaky evidence. If your home is hit by a hurricane and a tree falls onto your house, your policy may cover hurricane damage but not damage from falling trees. The insurance company may argue that because the damage resulted from a tree falling and not directly from the hurricane, the damage is not covered.

This is just one example of how an insurance company may present unexpected resistance to your legitimate claim for coverage. Some insurance company representatives will look for all the reasons they can find to justify the lowest possible claim settlement offers, and others are trained to present as much resistance as possible, even if they know it is unjustified. This is done in the hopes that the claimant’s desperation will compel them to accept a lowball offer rather than fight back and pursue maximum compensation under the terms of their policy.

How Your Metairie Hurricane Damage Claim Attorney Can Help

You pay a premium to maintain your insurance coverage with the expectation that the insurance carrier will handle your claim in good faith and offer a reasonable settlement for a claim. Having an experienced Metairie hurricane damage attorney assist you with the claim filing process will significantly reduce the chances of encountering any bad-faith handling of your claim. Not only will the insurance company representative be less inclined to attempt any bad faith tactics when they see that you have legal counsel, but you will be well-prepared to respond if they do engage in any mishandling of your claim.

You have a limited time in which to file a claim for hurricane damage, and the aftermath of any natural disaster can be stressful, tumultuous, and difficult to manage on your own. Attorney Jarred Bradley has years of experience handling many types of cases on behalf of Jefferson Parish clients, and the sooner you connect with The Bradley Law Firm, the sooner our firm can begin working on your case. We can help compile your initial demand letter to the insurance company and handle any correspondence with claim adjusters on your behalf.

You will need to provide evidence that your damages are covered under the terms of your policy, and you will need to assess the actual value of your damages. Having legal counsel that you can trust makes this much easier. Your Metairie hurricane damage attorney may consult with property appraisers and other disaster response experts on your behalf, so you know exactly how much you can claim. They can also review the terms of your policy so you can be sure that the insurance company upholds its duty to compensate you. If any problems arise with your claim, you will be ready to address them with confidence, thanks to your attorney’s assistance.

When you choose The Bradley Law Firm to represent you in your efforts to secure a fair insurance settlement after a hurricane, you will have help not only with the claim itself but also any related issues that might arise. For example, you may need to file a lawsuit against your insurance carrier for bad faith tactics, and many of these cases lead to intense litigation. Attorney Bradley and his team have the professional resources, experience, and skills necessary to resolve any such issues you face in your recovery efforts. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a Metairie hurricane damage lawyer and start working toward the recovery you legally deserve.

Practice Areas

Commercial Litigation
Commercial Litigation
Construction Law
Construction Law
Corporate Law
Corporate Law
Criminal Defense
Criminal Defense
Blockchain Law & Consulting
Blockchain Law & Consulting
Hurricane Damage
Hurricane Damage
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property
Entrepreneur & Startup
Entrepreneur & Startup
NFT Compliance & Consulting
NFT Compliance & Consulting
Other Services
Other Services

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143 Metairie Heights Avenue
Metairie, LA 70001

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