Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Limited License

The Bradley Law Firm, PLLC grants you a limited license to use the content on our website, for non-commercial, personal, or educational purposes only, provided that you do not modify any such content and you include display on each copy of such content the associated copyright notice and this limited license.

No Legal Advice

The information provided on our site is not legal advice and browsing our site or contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Your information is not privileged unless The Bradley Law Firm, PLLC is retained in writing as your law firm and one of its attorneys as your lawyer.

No Warranties

The Bradley Law Firm, PLLC does not guarantee the accuracy or quality of any information on our site. This information is provided on an as is basis. The Bradley Law Firm, PLLC will not be liable for any damages whatsoever, direct or indirect, consequential or otherwise pertaining to the use of our site’s information.

No Endorsement

We do not endorse any consultants, companies, services, or products that appear on our site.

Multi-discih4linary practice

This law firm does provide consulting and business advice. However, this must be established in a specific retainer agreement signed by all parties before any relationship is established.


The Bradley Law Firm may update our terms of service and privacy policy without your notice. Your continues use of our site constitutes your acceptance of our most recent terms of service and privacy policy.